Monday, November 22, 2010

When It's....

Stoned Day...
You just stop everything you're doing and stare
It's almost indescribable..
You look out to the furthest point you can see straight out but you have NO freaking idea: (i) what you're looking at, (ii) what's in your mind, (iii) what you're doing, (iv) why you're still staring despite the fact that you're questioning yourself what's actually happening..
That is what i call, stoned in a moment of inconceivable..
You keep on asking yourself, "did i just...? you mean i just..?"
At one moment the space which contain an organ that you always use it to think sense is actually almost non-existence, for a second is it there?-blank-
The next moment you may feel a whole lot of crap is falling inside that space and you have no idea which thought to grasp..
Thereafter you realise you've just picked up your favourite line.."I don't know..I really don't know".
In actual fact you know but you can't accept it yet so breath...

In such state of confusion I guess I just need a break to put myself in order again..

- I don't know that number -

Thank you, for answering my call in even though you're in the midst of having dinner outside.
Glad that you, are there too comfort me, and I'm just making fun of you with your pal's Gf...